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Code, Markdown, About1 min read

What to expect from here on out

The subjects that interest me and markets that generally interests me sit at the intersection of technology and Ai. In an effort to participate in this marketplace of products and ideas I will go on journey to transform my background to that of an Ai engineer at major ML/Ai modeling companies. It's important to cover all of these use cases for a few reasons:

  1. As a community, especially East Africa we must cultivate the organizational space to grow the next generation of thought leaders here in the diapora and bring these resources to bridge these regions with the international markets.
  2. It is fun testing these statistical models to get the right output.
  3. Here's a third pretend reason though a list with three items looks more realistic than a list with two items.

Footnotes[^1] I'll finish the codecademy series ML/Ai to see if it gets you job ready after I polish my interview skill s for regular data engineering roles.

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